Image result for us canadian flagsWe observe that US-Canadian socialists/anarchists/enviro-activists use similar techniques and that negative effects of such professionally organized demonstrations include increased family utility costs along with destruction of capitalism and of the North American way of life.  -dh

Note our Friday commentary…

…showing how the U.S. Administration is following an activist environmental agenda against vital, wealth producing energy projects.  Without a more logical, incoming Trump Administration America’s economic survival would be much more doubtful.  -dh

Today we add this Calgary Herald report:

Thousands march through Vancouver to protest Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.   Calgary Herald … Thousands march through Vancouver to protest Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion … there for 70 to 100 years and we’ll be breathing in seven dangerous, toxic gases,” George said. … Kinder Morgan says twinning the Trans Mountain Pipeline will inject $6.8 billion into the …