Former First Lady Ermalee Hickel

Ermalee Hickel, 2011 WTC Export Luncheon. Northern Gas Pipelines photo by Dave Harbour

Former First Lady Ermalee Hickel passed away yesterday afternoon.  As a friend of the family your author knows she anticipated–with a sense of joy–meeting her husband in Paradise.

To close friends and Hickel family members, we send our warm wishes and share prayers of thankfulness for having known these two great 49th State citizens.

For their honesty, work ethic and contributions to the economy we are additionally grateful to Governor and Mrs. Walter J. Hickel.  They are irreplaceable; however, their exemplary lives are gifts that live on to both inspire the citizens and enrich the history of the Great Land.

Appropriately, Alaska’s state flag will fly at half mast through next Tuesday morning as a tribute to the First Lady and the heritage her life and memory represent.
